Translate Chinese to Pinyin and Language using our Chrome Extension

For each sentence spoken by an actor in the video, PinyinTube will translate, include the subtitle, and link it with both video and audio snippet

Each time you click forward, backward, or replay the sentence, the video will return exactly when the actor speaks that sentence

Translate into Pinyin

Experience From Creator
Why Our Extension is
Best to Translate Chinese
to Pinyin

I speak five languages: Vietnamese, English, Chinese, French, and German. My best secret is to repeat and imitate a conversation – just like how a child learns. When you imitate, the grammars and phrases will get into you naturally. You will memorize and use them without effort. You can get to know more about this extension here


Developed in 2021


Suitable for everyone, who has a hobby of learning languages

Privacy & Security

High security
Translate Chinese Subtitle to Pinyin
Get Started in
a Few Minutes with PinyinTube Extension

Available on Chrome

Click on the download button, Visit the extension page and follow the next step

Download The Extension

Download the extension from the chrome and follow the installation processes..

Enjoy PinyinTube

An amazing feature that you can speak the caption on your own
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The Best Solutions for
Individuals and Agencies


All sites

Automatic subtitle generator


Dual Subtitle


Pinyin & Back/Forth buttons


Voice Recording

iQIYI & Rakuten Viki

Dual subtitle

iQIYI & Rakuten Viki

Pinyin & Back/Forth Buttons

iQIYI & Rakuten Viki

Voice Recording


Dual Subtitle


Pinyin & Forth/Back buttons


Voice Recording



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